How to Change a MyTana Cable Reel

Posted by MyTana on Aug 15, 2022 7:22:00 AM

Drain lines come in a variety of sizes. Many plumbers and drain cleaners find themselves changing reels midday or even mid-job. While some manufacturers attach reels with brackets and screws, MyTana cable machines all come with quick-change drive springs. Following the steps below, you can change your reel in under two minutes with only a hex key tool.

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Topics: Buyer's Guide, Pro Tip, Cable Machine, Resources

One Drain Machine for Multiple Applications? Your Wish is Granted.

Posted by MyTana on Feb 5, 2019 7:10:00 AM

From sink to sewer lateral, it’s your job to identify issues, clear obstructions and repair defects in all the interconnected piping that feeds into municipal sewers. That’s a lot of pipes of different sizes to service and, as a plumbing or drain cleaning professional, you’ve probably encountered everything you can imagine–from the usual suspects like grease and hair to the more obscure like toys or utensils.

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Topics: Cable Machine, Product Spotlight

Every Chopper Needs a Throttle

Posted by MyTana on Jan 22, 2019 4:43:21 PM

In the training manual Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Riding by Conrad Dent (not to be confused with the iconic American novel Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert M. Pirsig), Dent explains that riders need to be, “equipped to handle unforeseen conditions.” Although Dent is talking about motorcycle riding, he could just as easily be describing a day on the job of a plumber and drain cleaning professional working a cable machine through a drain line.

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Topics: Cable Machine, Product Spotlight

Mobility: Keeping Drain Cleaners and Plumbers On the Go

Posted by Katie Breeden on Jan 3, 2019 3:47:43 PM

Being a plumber or drain cleaner means being mobile. From switching between cleaning, jetting or inspecting tasks to traveling from job site to job site, this profession depends on your mobility, so your equipment should support being on the go. You can’t do your job without your equipment, and you can’t use your equipment if you can’t get it out of your truck. Staying injury free also plays a large role in keeping you going, so portability considerations help you make obstacles easier on yourself and on your equipment.

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Topics: Inspection System, Jetter, Problem-solving, Pro Tip, Cable Machine, Resources

10 Questions to Ask Before Buying A Cable Machine

Posted by Allison Symonds on Mar 21, 2018 4:40:41 PM

Cable machines can last for years. That makes investing in quality a no-brainer, but it also makes buying a new one a daunting process. What if it’s prone to breaking down or is cumbersome to haul?

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Topics: Buyer's Guide, Cable Machine

Catch Us at WWETT 2018

Posted by MyTana on Jan 24, 2018 5:25:57 PM

Find MyTana at WWETT 2018, Booth 2432Don’t miss MyTana at WWETT, show booth 2432 in Indianapolis, February 22-24. Test drive our cable machines, from the compact M500 Mini Workhorse (for bathtubs, urinals and sinks) to The Big Main, with more than 400 feet of reach. And, be sure to check out our drain jetters and video inspection systems.

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Topics: Inspection System, Jetter, Cable Machine, Trade Shows

FREE Cable Machine Setup Guide

Posted by MyTana on Jan 17, 2018 10:50:33 AM
FREE Cable Machine Setup Guide

A free, new poster from MyTana illustrates common cable machine end tools, along with the applications and line sizes to which each is best suited. This handy guide helps identify the best end tool for almost any blockage. With the proper setup, a drain cleaning professional can clear lines faster, more effectively and with greater safety.

“Different clogs require different approaches,” explains Dale Graber, General Manager for MyTana. “Choosing the right tool and right size gets the job done quicker.”

Request your free poster today:

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Topics: Cable Machine, Resources, Poster

Product Spotlight: M500 Mini Workhorse

Posted by MyTana on Sep 5, 2017 6:33:27 PM

MyTana has cable machines for many pipe sizes, from mainlines to septic lines to drain lines. Check out a demonstration of the MyTana M500 Mini Workhorse. This portable cable machine can tackle bathtubs, urinals and sinks with power and ease. 

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Topics: Cable Machine, Product Spotlight

About MyTana

MyTana is a full-service manufacturer of drain cleaning and inspection equipment, including cable machines, drain jetters and plumber cameras. The company also offers cables, blades, nozzles and other accessories for plumbers and drain cleaners. By selling direct, MyTana is able to maintain competitive pricing while offering a high level of personalized service and support. MyTana equipment is factory-direct and American made.

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