2022 Q1 Check In – Are You on Track?

Posted by MyTana on Feb 15, 2022 8:29:09 PM

Amazingly, we’re already speeding toward the end of quarter one of 2022. After a rollercoaster two years, 2022 may be the one where the pandemic ends, and we move into “what’s next.” Though drain cleaning professionals have generally avoided some of the major downturns in work that other industries have experienced, the stress of 24 months of uncertainty have certainly still been felt. When setting your 2022 business goals, you may have been apprehensive about writing down anything “too lofty;” or perhaps you were the exact opposite, and decided to lean into the unknown and go all in. Either way, the end of Q1 offers a good opportunity to check in: are you on track to your goals?

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Topics: Resources, Business Series, The Drain Business, Marketing

A Brief Guide to Social Media for Drain Cleaners + Plumbers in 2022

Posted by MyTana on Feb 15, 2022 8:20:40 PM

The days of homeowners opening the phonebook and flipping through the yellow pages to find a plumber are long gone. The Covid-19 era proved that the drain professionals of today need to be active on social media to keep their businesses thriving as much of the world moved permanently online. While a plumber certainly can’t work from home, meeting potential customers where they are is more important than ever. Social media is a powerful form of word of mouth, and there is ample opportunity for today’s plumbers and drain cleaners to use social media marketing – without taking too much time or breaking the bank.

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Topics: Resources, The Drain Business, Marketing

Leveraging Social Review Sites for Plumbers and Drain Cleaners

Posted by Venay Sehgal Bhatia on Apr 5, 2018 2:46:24 PM

Look back at the last time you needed a new service provider, whether it was a new barber, landscaper or handyman. Did you blindly pick the first option you found? Or did you rely on your friends and family for a referral, and do further research to see whether they’d fit your needs? Now, think back to the last time your purchased something online. Did the yellow star rating beneath the product name influence your purchase?

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Topics: Business Series, The Drain Business, Marketing

About MyTana

MyTana is a full-service manufacturer of drain cleaning and inspection equipment, including cable machines, drain jetters and plumber cameras. The company also offers cables, blades, nozzles and other accessories for plumbers and drain cleaners. By selling direct, MyTana is able to maintain competitive pricing while offering a high level of personalized service and support. MyTana equipment is factory-direct and American made.

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