Protect Your Investment: Inspection Camera Maintenance

Posted by Nicole Lygo on Jan 30, 2019 8:23:00 AM

Check out an in-depth, updated version of this blog here.

Push cameras can cost a pretty penny. So when you shell out that much for a piece of equipment, you should protect it. Our camera maintenance video shows tips for protecting your machine and how to take care of it before jobs.

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Topics: Inspection System, Pro Tip, Resources

Mobility: Keeping Drain Cleaners and Plumbers On the Go

Posted by Katie Breeden on Jan 3, 2019 3:47:43 PM

Being a plumber or drain cleaner means being mobile. From switching between cleaning, jetting or inspecting tasks to traveling from job site to job site, this profession depends on your mobility, so your equipment should support being on the go. You can’t do your job without your equipment, and you can’t use your equipment if you can’t get it out of your truck. Staying injury free also plays a large role in keeping you going, so portability considerations help you make obstacles easier on yourself and on your equipment.

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Topics: Inspection System, Jetter, Problem-solving, Pro Tip, Cable Machine, Resources

Factors to Consider When Purchasing a Municipal Inspection System

Posted by Noor Al-Muhaifeed on Dec 4, 2018 6:58:00 AM

If you’re responsible for sewer and manhole inspection for a small town or a rural community, it’s likely that you don’t have the same budget or resources as larger municipalities. You might think the only way to get inspection capability is through expensive equipment. However, if you know which factors to look for, inspection capability doesn’t have to be a budget breaker—in fact, compared to hiring an inspection contractor, it can save your town money in the long run. Consider the following factors when evaluating your options.

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Topics: Inspection System, Resources

Business Series: Website Design Basics for Plumbers and Drain Cleaners

Posted by Venay Sehgal Bhatia on Nov 27, 2018 3:57:44 PM

Your website creates the first impression many customers will have of your business. Thankfully, designing an attractive and professional website is easier than ever, and following a few simple rules can keep your site looking neat, put together, and approachable. This article is second in a two part series. Check out Developing Your Business Website for tips and tricks on how to start building your website and the information you should include.

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Topics: Resources, Business Series

Cable Machine Blades and Attachments Guide

Posted by Venay Sehgal Bhatia on Sep 21, 2018 10:09:01 AM

To do a job right, you need the right tools. When it comes to cable machines, the appropriate blade type and proper application are essential to success. Before unclogging a drain, inspect both the blockage and the line to figure out which attachments will be best. The pipe diameter determines the cable size you should use, which end tools will work, and how the end tools attach.

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Topics: Problem-solving, Resources

The Art of Writing a Job Description

Posted by Katie Breeden on Aug 14, 2018 4:48:23 PM
Finding the words to describe a job isn’t easy. While there’s no way to include every little detail, it’s important to convey enough information for applicants to get a sense of role requirements and responsibilities. Without a clear, easy-to-read job description, everyone ends of wasting time. You’ll end up sifting through unqualified applicants, and candidates waste time applying to a job they don’t understand.

According to a Wall Street Journal study, applicants only spend about a minute reading through a job description before deciding if it’s a good fit. So, how can you write a description that captures the important points quickly and clearly? Consider the job description to be a first impression.
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Topics: Pro Tip, Resources

Is Your Hourly Rate Sustainable?

Posted by Venay Sehgal Bhatia on Jul 31, 2018 1:39:43 PM

As a small business owner, deciding your hourly rates is one of the most important tasks that you face. You have to look at your business in a holistic manner, balancing costs with profit, and calculate a number that can satisfy both.

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Topics: Resources, The Drain Business

Become a Customer Service Pro: Four Tips for Clear Customer Communication

Posted by MyTana on May 3, 2018 6:13:00 AM

The most important skill a drain cleaner can have is, obviously, clearing drains. But customer service is a close second. It may not be your favorite part (that’s sharing crazy job photos in your Facebook group of choice), but it’s a vital part of the job, particularly for smaller shops.

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Topics: Resources

Staying Safe on the Job

Posted by Nicole Lygo on Apr 12, 2018 8:00:00 AM

Drain cleaning can be a very dirty job, particularly with a backup. It’s also a dangerous process, exposing workers to multiple types of hazards. But a few simple steps and a little common sense can help keep you safer on the job.

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Topics: Pro Tip, Resources

When I Called a Plumber...

Posted by Nicole Lygo on Apr 10, 2018 2:59:22 PM

When you’re an expert in a field, it can be hard to step back and see things from the other side — the customer’s side. Seeing things from your customer’s point of view can prevent mistakes and identify missed opportunities. When a member of our team needed a drain cleared, we took the opportunity to provide just that. Learn from their wins and misses.

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Topics: Insider, Pro Tip, Resources

About MyTana

MyTana is a full-service manufacturer of drain cleaning and inspection equipment, including cable machines, drain jetters and plumber cameras. The company also offers cables, blades, nozzles and other accessories for plumbers and drain cleaners. By selling direct, MyTana is able to maintain competitive pricing while offering a high level of personalized service and support. MyTana equipment is factory-direct and American made.

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